
Monday, May 05, 2008

Having Fun Drawing

This weekend, I was reading a "new" (to me) blog, The Homefront Lines, and the family had went on a field trip to see Bruce Hale, author of the Chet Gecko books. The mom had posted a video of Mr. Hale showing how to draw Bart Simpson and then his charcter, Chet Gecko. Well, I thought Alexandra would enjoy learning how to draw these, so we gave it a try today and it turned out well.

Here's Alexandra's drawings of Bart and Chet Gecko. I'd actually never heard of Chet Gecko, but we picked up a book at the library today to give it a try.

My Bart.

My Chet Gecko.

Then, we also decided to give Barb's Sketch Tuesday challenge a try. (Yes, it's the same Barb that brings us the wonderful Green Hour Challenges!) This week's challenge was to sketch a view from your window. Alexandra chose to sketch the pool - with a bird's eye view.

We had lots of fun sketching/drawing today and plan on doing more. Maybe we can do more drawing in our nature journals...


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you had fun learning to draw Bart and Chet. You will have to let me know if you like the books. My middling just finished the whole series. :)

    I am interested in your Book of Time. Is it basically a timeline book?

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I have yet to try the Sketch Tuesdays, but it's on my agenda to try soon! Maybe I'll see you there!

  3. Great drawings!

