
Friday, February 01, 2008

Much Better!!!

Oh, I'm doing SO much better! Yesterday was "recovery day." As each hour went on, I felt better and better. It feels so good to not feel so sick!

I have so much to share, but it'll have to wait a few more days as I'll be busy today and this weekend. I hope to get back to regular posts after that.

Thought I'd leave you with this photo of a mockingbird I took last weekend. I think it's the best bird photo I've taken. And, this is the exact photo I took - it hasn't been cropped or anything. (You might want to enlarge it, though!)
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


  1. So glad to hear that you are feeling so much better. YAY!

    That photo is awesome. We have some mockingbirds in our backyard. A few have nests back there and every time our cat gets a little too close for comfort, they start yelling at her and then diving at her. You would think that she would learn to leve them alone. LOL!

  2. Wow! That's a really cool photo! You can even see some little whiskers on her chin.
    I'm so glad you're feeling better. What a week you guys have had. I hope you have a MUCH better week next week.

  3. That is an awesome picture. Can't wait to see what other pictures you have for us.

  4. You should make your own little bird scarpbook!

    Your great at taking bird pictures.

    We are starting an Audubon Study focussing on one bird a month (sort of CMish) but our study would be so much better if we had REAL birds to view like you!!

    Glad you are better.

  5. Have you ever thought about publishing your pictures? They are so good! I do photography myself but my good camera has been broken for a while so I am making do with my camera phone! I do wedding photgraphy although not much anymore. Keep the great pictures coming- they are really inspiring!
