
Monday, February 04, 2008

Birds in North Texas

I went to visit family in north Texas this weekend and had some wonderful bird visitors! My mom has some Bradford Pear trees in her front yard which were really attracting LOTS of robins and cedar waxwings.
I've never seen a robin in my yard (except an injured one last fall), so this was quite a treat. And, my brother taught me how to use some manual focus on my new camera, so I'm getting better photos! I was really surprised at all of the colors on the robin. I though they were just read on their bellies and grey on their backs. They're beautiful!

And, I was THRILLED to see these beautiful Cedar Waxwings. There were often more than a dozen on my mom's tree! They're beautiful, colorful birds. I realized too late that I never got a photo of the red tips on their wings. (I took the photos of the waxwings before my brother gave me my lesson, but the robin is after. Do you see the difference?)


  1. Oh how wonderful!!! I've never seen a Cedar Waxwing in person. I've had my eyes open but have not seen one. They are awesome. Thanks for sharing those pics.

  2. Great photos. I love watching the robins in our backyard. And yes, I noticed the difference in pictures, not much, but the top one has a bit more detail to it. Great job once again.

  3. Excellent photos! Especially the one of my namesake!....LOL!
    I wish my camera and my talent were as good as yours. We have so many birds and I just can't do them justice.
    I still think you should put together a page or something of your photos. Maybe a little book, like the ones you can put together with flicker or Kodak.

  4. Wow, there is a big difference in the photos. You really are learning a lot with your camera and it shows. I don't get any robins in our backyard, so it was sure nice to see yours up close. Enjoyed, Kim
