
Monday, January 21, 2008

Regular Visitor and Feeling Sick

Our hawk has become a regular visitor. We've seen him every day for the past 3 days. We haven't positively identified it - it seems to be either a juvenile or a female, which are harder to identify. (Try enlarging the photo.)

School went pretty well today, though Alexandra was complaining of a sore throat. She had her piano lesson today, and near the end she just seemed so tired. She was freezing on the way home - 1/2 mile - and wanted several blankets. She laid down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. An hour later, I checked on her and she had a fever of 102. When she woke up an hour later, her fever was 103.

She's taken some medicine and is feeling better and eating now. (And, watching tv.) So, we'll skip school tomorrow. If she's up to it, I hope to do some crafts with her. She'll also get to lay around and watch tv. I hope she gets well quickly - our Mozart field trip is Wednesday!


  1. I hold my breath when I see the Cooper here too. Although lately I've been cheering it on, wanting it to help clear out some of my starling and sparrow population.

    I hope Alexandra if feeling better really soon. My daughter had a nasty virus for quite a few days now, and my son has just come down with it too. I'm try to ward it off with lots of vitamin C and other immune builders.

  2. Looks like a juvenile Cooper's Hawk to me. Your picture came out great.

    My boys were sick but they took turns so it took longer for everyone to get better. Hope it's not the flu. Mine had fever for 4 days. Not fun!!

    Glad you joined in on the fun over at my blog.

  3. Hello there! Stopping by to thank you for seeking out my blog and leaving a few kind words behind for me! It was a pleasant surprise!

    While seeing a hawk as close as you have been able is truly a gift-I hope He leaves the other birds be!

    Also-I really enjoyed that short movie clip called Animal School that you posted. Gets you thinking, doesn't it?!
