
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Maui: Day 1

I have SO many photos from Maui (about 500!) that I'm not sure where to start. :-) I wanted to go by "themes", but I think going day by day would be easier. So, here's Day 1.

We were staying at a resort and they had a pond with koi, a pair of geese, and some flamingos in it. Before breakfast, we went to the pond to feed the koi. Well, this goose came up wanting some food and Alexandra fed him. He ate right out of her hand!

We ate at the outdoor buffet every morning for breakfast (except for the last day, because of weather) and there were so many birds around! As you can see from this little sparrow, they even landed on our chairs! Anytime people left a table, they flew over to the table and hopped on the plates looking for something to steal. It was pretty funny! I had to go out and buy a Hawaii bird book and I'll share more of our birding experiences later.
That night, we went to a luau. The weather was beautiful and the food was good. And, of course we were entertained! Our favorite was the fire dancer.

Here's a photo of Alexandra and I in our matching Hawaiian dresses. We actually went to Maui just about 3 years ago and we'd bought matching dresses at that time. Of course, Alexandra's is much too small now (but, mine still fit!). So, we went hunting for a dress for her. We were so surprised to find they were still selling this dress!
I guess I have these photos out of order as this was a photo from before the luau as we were waiting in line by the beach. Not too bad of a place to wait in line, huh?

This was our main activity at the beach - running from the waves. As the week went on, the weather got worse & worse and the waves got higher & higher. So, there was more to run from! Alexandra had a blast doing this and I loved watching her... and joining in sometimes.

At the pond at the resort, there was a waterfall you could walk behind. This is a photo from behind the waterfall. And, the sunglasses were on the bed - on a bunny made of towels! Alexandra wore them all week. They also left her 3 rubber duckies in the bathroom - 2 girls with leis and a boy with an innertube. And, they'd spelled "Alexandra" on the tub wall with wicki stix.

Lastly, here's a kind of blurry video of the fire dancer from the luau.


  1. Love the video. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, I love the video too!
    I'm loving the whole trip so far!
    Great pictures, and you guys look fantastic in your matching dresses.

  3. I think I would have like the firedancer too..."wink"..haha!!
    The trip looks AMAZING!! It's great how the hotel can add so much to a the ones at Disney!!!
    I can't wait to see more pics!

  4. We went to the Big Island several years ago. The volcano was very interesting as were the black sand beaches.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments.

  5. I remember a lot of this from Oahu!
