
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fall meme

Dawn over at By Sun and Candlelight came up with this fall meme that I really enjoyed. If you'd like to join in, consider yourself tagged and let me know you posted! Hapy Fall!!!

When does fall begin for you? Hmmm... I guess the 1st of October. It's just so warm down here in Texas that we don't feel it until the end of October or so. But, I can still dream of fall!

What is your favorite aspect of fall? I love watching the leaves change colors, which takes a long time around her - some have barely started to change, but others won't change until around Christmastime! I also love getting pumpkins and candy corn.

What is your favorite fall memory? My sister, brother & I used to make "bird nests" of all the raked up leaves back in Kansas. Then, the whole neighborhood would get together and we'd pretend to be birds. It was nice and snug! A wonderful memory and I got to make my daughter her first "nest" while visiting my brother last Thanksgiving.

What do you like to drink in the fall? Hot apple cider and hot chocolate with marshmallows. Yum!

What's your favorite fall food?
My mom makes wonderful banana bread in an old coffee can - without the nuts just for me! And, I love her homemade caramel corn, too. Oh, and candy corn!!!
What is fall weather like where you live? Not much different than summer. :-) We are still usually wearing shorts on Thanksgiving Day.

What color is fall? Brown & Orange.

What does fall smell like? Fireplaces (though not around here!)

Holiday shopping in fall: yes or no? No. Let's wait until December. :-)

If you could go anywhere in the fall, where would you go? The East Coast!

t is your favorite fall sport? High school football. Another fond memory from childhood.

Do you have a favorite fall chore? Planting mums & impatiens! My daughter was born near Halloween and I planted some flowers just days before she was born.

What is your least favorite thing about fall? That we don't have much "fall" here in Texas! (But, I love Texas!)

What is your favorite fall holiday? Thanksgiving Day.

What's your favorite kind of pie? Either apple with vanilla ice cream or pumpkin with CoolWhip.

What was your favorite Halloween costume? My mom made me a flower costume when I was little - maybe about 7 or so. I wore a green leotard & tights & she used some kind of wire to make loops around my head and a thin fabric for the pedals. She made 3 homemade costumes that year and we accidentally missed the judging! My cousin won dressed as a clown - and his dalmation was a clown, too.

What was your favorite Halloween candy? Candy Corn - have I mentioned that before? :-)

What was your least favorite Halloween candy?

Which do you prefer, the Farm or the Fair? I'm not sure what you mean - we go to a pumpkin patch this time of year and it's a lot of fun - you get to take photos with the pumpkins, have a hayride, and ride a few rides.

Do you have a favorite fall book?
Too Many Pumpkins

How about a favorite fall poem? No - I guess I need to read more poetry!

Happy Fall!

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