
Monday, September 17, 2007

Go Texans!!!

What a great feeling it is to be cheering on a winning team... the Texans!!! We're now 2-0 (which is a first). This if fun. Go Texans!!! (photo: Alexandra at the first game of the season against the Kansas City Chiefs - whom we beat!)


  1. Hi Dana,
    It has been a while since I've visited many blogs. But I love to come here and get inspired.
    I need advice on how to get Delena excited - she dreads school everyday - no matter what I do. I am getting frustrated (sigh)

    I love the tic tac doe game, I'll have to do that!! That looks like fun.

    Chicago looked like a lot of fun. My brother lived there for a short time (about 2 years) but we never made it up there to visit him.

    The game looks fun! Is your stadium indoors? Here in Tampa, our Bucs play outside. We beat the Saints on Sunday :)

  2. Ok, I won't tell dh that you're 'happy' about beating his team. We'll just keep that between us...ok?

  3. Hi, Dana. Yes, our stadium is indoors. It really helps when the weather is HOT like it was on this game day.
