
Friday, August 31, 2007


Using KONOS, we've been studying "explorers" this week - specifically Leif the Lucky and Marco Polo. We've read some great books, watched the Nest video about Marco Polo, and done a few hands-on activities. Our favorite was making a spice chart. It was Alexandra's idea to glue 2 pieces of paper together and make "flaps" to uncover each spice. (In photo, my flaps are open & hers are shut.)

Favorite Marco Polo resources:
  • Marco Polo (Nest Entertainment video)
  • Marco Polo by Graves - this book is 96 pages, but we read it in one setting - good book
  • The Adventures of Marco Polo by Smalley - a cartoon book - cute, but not as much information


  1. that is so cute. Cool information too. Do you guys take summer breaks from school?

  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    neat idea. I don't think I could recognize the different spices by sight but I have a fairly strong nose and could definetly sniff them out.

