
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Goodbye, Emma

Little Emma, Alexandra's hamster, got sick on Wednesday afternoon right before a trip to my mom's. We started her on antibiotics and other meds. My sister, a vet, met us at my mom's on Friday night and was sad to tell us that Emma had a large tumor and there was nothing more we could do. Emma passed away yesterday (Saturday) afternoon. Alexandra is missing her little friend very much and we were all so sad to see her pass away so young. We'd had her less than 4 months and she was only about 5.5 months old.
Goodbye, Sweet Emma!


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I'm so sorry, Alexandra. Losing a pet is very difficult. Hugs to you!

  2. ***sniff, sniff, sniff*** God, this breaks my heart....
    I'm sorry little baby girl.. You know it probably would never happen again. But I understand why you'd want to shy away from hamsters for a while.
    We have quite the little pet cemetery going on the woods behind our house, but it never stops GB from wanting another little critter. He's eyeing a guinea pig now. So far, I'm holding strong...
    {{{ hugs to you }}}
