
Monday, August 20, 2007

735 Kids

This weekend, we went to our local homeschooling convention - one of 2 large conventions they have in the Houston area. This is the 2nd time I've been, but last time I didn't listen to any of the speakers and Alexandra didn't come with me.

I learned a lot in the classes and spent a lot while shopping. Alexandra had fun in the children's program. At the end of the convention, the children got together and sang some songs they'd learned. The Children's Program had served 735 kids!!! And, there had been 192 teen helpers! Now, that's a lot of homeschoolers!

I'm so happy we homeschool in Texas where there are so many homeschoolers and so much freedom. And, I'm grateful to the homeschoolers who have paved the way in Texas.

To those of you who live where the environment isn't so homeschooling-friendly, I'm so glad that you are out there making the road easier for those who will come along next - like our children! I don't know how you do it, but keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! That is an amazing number of kids. Awesome. We start school in one week. We didn't go to convention this year (sadly) but I managed to write most of my lessons around resources we already have! Bummer budgets, YAY God.
