
Friday, July 13, 2007

Butterfly Box

On Saturday, we went to one of Home Depot's monthly Kids Days where they can build things. This time, they gave each child a choice of what to build from four projects. Alexandra chose to build a butterfly box!

I highly recommend these Kids Days. The kids get to learn how to use tools (like hammers) and read instructions. I learned about wood glue this week, too. And, Alexandra made such an improvement in her hammer skills this time! The helper showed her how to hit softly until the nail gets in a little ways and then hit hard to finish it off. What a lesson! We'll be adding it to our butterfly garden.


  1. I want one....;-)
    That looks so cool! Are you going to paint it, or keep it natural?

  2. Wow...I'm going to find out when our kid's day is here at our Home Depot. I'm sure they have one too!
    Your daughter is so so pretty...getting so big!!!
