
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Locks of Love

Yesterday, I had 10 inches of my hair cut off to donate to Locks of Love. I'm not sharing this to brag about something I've done, but to raise awareness for this group. I donated because of examples I've seen -my hair dresser, one of Alexandra's friends, and a boy in the newspaper. If they hadn't spoken up about what they were doing, I wouldn't have known about this organization. So, I'm hoping the more exposure it gets, the more people will donate.
Locks of Love helps financially disadvantaged children under age 18 who suffer from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. It takes from 6 to 10 donated pony tails to create one custom hairpiece!
My hair is shorter than it has ever been at about chin length. I'm really enjoying it and getting to speak out about Locks of Love since the change is so apparent. I'm even thinking about growing it out so I can donate again.


  1. This is wonderful! It is truly "giving of yourself." I've heard of this organization and have had friends donate. I'm so happy you love your new "look" and have enabled someone else to as well. God bless you!

  2. As a former hairstylist, I have to stand up and give you a great, big CHEER!! Woo! Hoo! What a wonderful gift you have given. There were so many people who sat in my stylist chair, who wanted to cut their long hair shorter, and I would try to encourage them to cut off the full 10 inches so that we could donate it. But 10 inches is a lot for most people, so lots of them chose not to go that extra distance.
    I am so proud of you and I can't wait to see some pics of your new do!
