
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cross Stitch

Our last project for the year with our Keepers group has been learning to cross stitch. The girls are working on a pretty butterfly. Alexandra got the body finished today and we'll start on the wings in the next few days. The girls have had so much fun together this year and Alexandra can't wait for next year... but first, the end of the year awards party!


  1. My Madison likes to cross stitch. What a fun little craft for girls!

  2. Hey Dana, I want to do some things like that next year. I have decided to not use curriculum and do a year of unit studies - using the internet and free worksheets (do you think this is a good idea?)

    Delena has been asking to learn to cross stitch or crochet. I have no clue how to do this, but we will figure something out. Do you think its too hard for a 1st grader?

    I think me & Delena will join your backyard challenge. My digital camera is broke, but my hubby ordered a new one and we should have it late this week. I'll let you know when we get a post up about it!

    Thanks for all your ideas!

  3. I'm proud of Alexandra! You go, girl! I tried cross stitch and got one done, but I was in misery the whole time. The stitches are too tiny and I had too little patience. I had little strings sticking out of the back everywhere. But my cross stitch banner is proudly displayed in my kitchen as my one and only attempt at the craft. I'll stick to crochet. At least I can do that without looking.
