
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Texas City Prairie Preserve

Today, we took a field trip to the Texas City Prairie Preserve. Each group (we were in a homeschool group, but the rest were public school children) got to do 3 of 5 activities. We got to do: wildflower walk, water testing, and insect catching. Actually, my favorite things were the things that weren't planned.
Alexandra holding a flower while her friend sketched it. Next time, we'll have to bring a nature notebook! It was a cool morning, but a beutiful day. On the way home, my car thermostat showed 86!

Wild onion (or was it garlic?) - the little bulbs could be peeled like an onion and smelled like it, too!

We saw lots of little crabs in their holes and one little girl caught one. But, when we went for lunch, we found a "large" (relatively) fiddler crab. I held it for awhile, and even though it tried to pinch, its pinchers were so small it didn't hurt.
Crab coming out of his mud hole. The kids were very excited about these.

I thought this was incredible - a coyote track!!!

A fish skeleton! We think a coyote or bobcat left this behind after his meal.


  1. Very Cool!

    We used to have fiddler crabs as pets but they all died recently...

    Looks like a great time!

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Madison (5) says, "I wish I had crabs. One that was a little baby, and a girl, and one that was a grandpa and grandma and uncle and ancesters and a babysitter crab and a cousin crab!"

    "I had so much fun stepping in the water to measure the water turbitiy with a secchi. Oh, and the girl, Maddy,that came with your daughter, I like a lot!"

  3. You have been doing some phenomenal nature study and your photos are incredible!!! :-)

  4. What a great trip! Alexandra must be getting trip overload by now, but she sure doesn't look like it. ;-)
