
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Earth Day

(but, of course, I think he's beautiful!!!)

Today, we went to an Earth Day celebration at our local arboretum. Besides meeting this very large, friendly ladybug, Alexandra got to do several hands-on activities.

Here she is racing a solar powered car.

Here she's making her own paper, which is also a model of the earth, AND it contains wildflower seed. So, we were supposed to break it up and scatter it at home after it dried. Unfortunately, we set it out to dry... and forgot it.

Here's a gorgeous water snake. I wasn't the one who spotted him. Another couple had been sitting on a park bench and said they saw him swimming across the pond. We were on a boardwalk which wasn't very far off the ground. The snake went under it a couple of times and we lost him in the grasses a few times, but we watched him for about 10 minutes. This was really something as Alexandra isn't very fond of snakes.

Besides the snake, we saw a few other things on our nature walk/scavenger hunt: a pair of cardinals, a bluejay, a woodpecker, and a land tortoise (we usually just see the water kind). We also got a bag FULL of goodies from all the eco-friendly tables.


  1. How fun. We didn't participate in any of the Earth Day celebrations around here.

  2. Oh man! I totally forgot that it was Earth Day. It looks like you guys had a great day.
    Alexandra looks so cute in her skort. It's finally getting warm enough here to maybe THINK about shorts and skorts. But it takes me a while to transition into summer wear.
