
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bird Walk

We went on an amazing bird walk today with 2 other families. Besides seeing lots of birds, we saw a raccoon running across the road, quite a few alligators, some large turtles, and even a snake (which I won't post here so as to not scare anyone - hope the snake skin isn't so scary!)

On an incredible island, we saw Roseate Spoonbill and Great Egrets. The egrets were on their nests and we saw several chicks!

Some of the other birds we saw today: red-bellied woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds (this is now one of my favorite birds!), scissor-tailed flycatcher, glossy ibis, barn swallows, king birds, shoveler, black-necked stilt, coots, common moorhens, egrets, tri-colored heron, cormorants, indigo buntings (cool!!!), a few warblers, and some turkey vultures.

We took the ferry on the way home. Alexandra hasn't done this since she was little bitty, and she didn't remember it. We all fed the sea gulls on the trip and we saw dolphins and pelicans!

I was so thankful for the homeschooling dad that went with us and taught me the names of so many birds. And, he taught me how to do a bird walk!

I think I'll just post some photos and a few more words tomorrow as blogger isn't letting me download photos tonight.

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific bird watching trip! :-)
