
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Yahtzee & Nail Art

Alexandra's in camp this week, so our days are long and crazy. But, she's having a lot of fun. Last night we played Yahtzee for the very first time! My family played lots of games growing up, but this wasn't one of them. Besides being a lot of fun, it's a great game for some addition & multiplication.

Also, since it's warm enough for Alexandra to be wearing her flipflops, she wanted me to paint her nails tonight. Our friend, Ms. S, told me how to make nail art a few weeks ago, so we gave it a try! After polishing her nails, I used a stylus and acrylic paints to dot-paint flowers on her big toes. It turned out pretty well for a first try!


  1. We love Yahtzee. I was so happy when my kids got old enough to play it. We started out with Junior Yahtzee, but it just wasn't as fun.
    Love the nails!!!

  2. I love the nails. It looks like she is standing in snow!

  3. Oh I love Yahtzee! We bought a travel sized one and play when we camp. I guess you could say it is our official camping game! The nails look fantastic!
