
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Circulatory System

I taught our co-op today and we learned about the circulatory system. Mostly we followed these PSO Lessons. When we got the stethoscopes out, we even listened to our dog's heart. We also dissected a heart (well, the 2 younger girls went to play). And, we made candy blood like we'd made back in September.


  1. You do such creative things! Your weather looks lovely -- can't wait til we can take the easel outside up here in MN.

  2. We'll have to make the candy blood. My kids really enjoyed the jello cell we did this year. I couldn't believe it when they actaully ate it with all of that "junk" in it. Yuk!
    Your pool looks great...I wish ours was ready to swim.

  3. What a great lesson plan. I will definitely borrow this one. You do find some great stuff!
