
Monday, December 18, 2006

More Goodies...

Today, my SUV is in the shop so we were "stuck" at home. We spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, and making more goodies - yum! Tonight, I need to finish up my gift-wrapping.

By the way, we've been having unusually warm weather here - it's been in the 70's and low 80's for the past week - short weather!!! I know it doesn't get people in the Christmas mood, but I love being able to play outside!

Icing the sugar cookies

A table full of sugar cookies - Alexandra wanted lots and lots of candy cane cookies

Using the blender to break up peppermints for peppermint bark - I'm the only one in my family that likes it, but I've gotta make some!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you were productive at least!!! What is it about this weather? I almost forgot it is Christmas time today, when I was selecting books to read to the girls I didn't choose any Christmas ones at first... it feels like it is fall or spring or something else.
