
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Leaves & Trees at Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving, we went to my brother's house. He has a lot of big trees in his backyard, so Alexandra and her cousin had a LOT of fun playing in the leaves! They raked up a big pile and buried themselves in it.

From childhood, I remember playing "bird's next" with my brother and sister and friends. We would shape a leaf pile like a bird's nest and play like we were a family of birds. I loved sharing this experience with my daughter while at my brother's. We don't have enough leaves to do this at our house.

My brother and I also liked to climb trees. There was a great climbing tree in our backyard. I could only go up a few branches, but my little brother would climb almost to the top! I remember my mother coming out to look for him and he'd be hidden in the treetop. My brother helped my daughter get in the tree - and then he climbed up himself! His tree isn't as easy to climb as ours was, so he didn't get as high. I didn't even try. :-)

The other 2 things we did a lot of over Thanksgiving were singing karoke - what fun!!! - and playing video games - another thing my brother did A LOT OF when we were small. I wasn't very good at them, so I'd just watch.

My brother had a lot of friends over 2 days while we were there and it was a lot of fun. There were even several little girls for Alexandra to play with. It was just a wonderful time.

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