
Monday, December 11, 2006

homeschool schedule

I've been having trouble sticking to any kind of homeschooling schedule lately. I know one of the reasons is that we do so many extra, out-of-the-home activities. But, even on other days, I've been really struggling lately. So, I thought I'd follow one day and see if I could figure out how to improve our school and get more schooling done.

I followed our schedule on Friday, and these are some of my conclusions:
  • clean the kitchen at night - including putting the washed dishes away! (I often leave them out "to dry")
  • get up at 6:30 & shower before Alexandra gets up (I had been doing that faithfully, and I've been slipping - I would like to change that to 6:00 after the new year)
  • give Alexandra her bath/shower at night
  • type up history questions at night
  • check email early & quickly & then stay off the computer until school's over!
  • aim for starting school at 8:30 (maybe 8:45 to start with)
  • consider changing our math routine - should we take a break from our curriculum??? (this has been a big struggle lately)

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