
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ben & Me Chapter 1

OK, I had a "brilliant" ;-) idea after reading another persons blog about making puppets for a story they were reading. We have been studying Benjamin Franklin and had only read one chapter of Ben & Me which tells a fictionalized story about Ben from the point-of-view of Amos, the mouse. So, last night Alexandra made a mouse, Amos, out of a type of clay. Well, the dog ate it, and of course this was very upsetting. So, today, I made Amos while she made Ben's little squirrel friend, Skuggs. We will be posting a photo of "Amos" with each chapter and Alexandra is writing "letters" from Amos to Alexandra. I hope everyone, especially Alexandra, enjoys this adventure!
- Dana
(Photo is of Amos & his suitcase)

Dear Alexandra,
Today I moved to a house and there was a man that sneezed a lot. He had a cap and one side was warm and cozy. I went on the warm and cozy side. I said to myself, “This is where I will live for ever and ever.” That is what I said. Today I bought myself a suitcase with a badge that said “I went to a man’s hat and had fun.”
Your Friend,
Amos the Mouse

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