
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday - Ben's Sayings

I thought I'd just continue this week to show more about how our days really work.
(photo above of Alexandra working on Phonics while our dog, Pandy, watches on)

Today, I let Alexandra sleep in since I thought she needed it. She got up a little after 8:00. (I usually wake her at 7:30.) After breakfast, I read a book about nutrition (something we needed to do for a Keepers badge) and then read a book about Ben Franklin. I was excited to have a "Mommy Inspiration" - one of those rare times when I get an idea of my own, not something I've read! We are now making our own illustrated books of "Ben's Sayings." Alexandra did "An apple a day..." and I did "Early to bed..." I'm very surprised at how many of our sayings are attributed to Ben!

After that, we played a game on the computer about plant dichotomy. Then, I took a late shower while she played on the computer. Then, we went downstairs to practice the piano (My new system of teaching her songs by ear instead of reading music is really working. I'm doing this because she was complaining that it hurt to play with her left hand and it hurt to play with her pinky. Well, now she can play real songs and there is no more complaining!)

Then, we did Bible study and it was time for lunch. After lunch we had rest time and then we did phonics (2 lessons to make up for Tuesday). We then got started on math. I've been copying all of the worksheets and finally asked myself, "Why? Just so I can resell it?" So, we decided to write IN our workbook. Alexandra wanted to go back to the beginning, so now we're having a pretty major review. She did get through a lot of worksheets today, though.

After math, we gathered our library books & dropped them off & then went to a ceramics studio to paint pumpkins. We did this last year, and when I unpacked them they meant so much that I thought we should do it again.

We painted our pumpkins (we can pick them up on Monday), then came home and cooked dinner & ate. Afterwards, Alexandra read some SOTW to me. Then, we had dessert & she took a shower. In bed, we read some more SOTW and part of another book about Ben Franklin.

Now, she's in bed and I'm on the computer checking emails, catching up on my blog, and researching Charlotte Mason.... more changes???

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