
Monday, August 14, 2006

1st Day of 1st Grade at Home!

Today was Alexandra's 1st day of 1st grade at our homeschool! What a fun day! My plan was to start school at 9:00 - we actually started at 9:30, but we'd already read our literature for the day (about 20 minutes - 2 chapters of The Secret Garden).

We did school until 2 pm with only a 30 minute break for lunch. So, 4 hours! That's much more than we were doing last year. And, Alexandra asked for more!

We did: Bible study, poetry recitation, math (finished RightStart Level B with the last lesson and the test!!!), Latin, Phonics, and then Story of the World. I guess that's it. And, we still didn't do all I wanted to do. :-)

It was really neat that in both Latin and Phonics, we discussed the Latin and English alphabets, vowels and consonants, and how many letters are in our alphabet.

Tonight for our American studies, we read Viking Ships at Sunrise (Magic Tree House). In it, there were Latin words! It's really neat how our new knowledge keeps showing up!

A few days ago, we bought some carnivorous plants - Venus Flytraps and some pitcher plants. Well, we got to feed one of the flytraps today. We ate our lunch outside and put some food near the plant. When a fly landed nearby, we put a big, see-through drawer upside down over the plant and fly. It took a few hours, but the flytrap finally caught the fly. We removed the "cover" and we could actually see the fly inside of the leaves when we held it near the window! And, you could HEAR the fly trying to get out! Kind of sad, I guess, but we thought it was neat - and thus is life and death!

Besides school, we even got 2 loads of laundry done, ran a few errands, and cooked breakfast and dinner! Wow! But, I didn't get any housework done. I really have trouble fitting both schoolwork and housework into a single day. I'll have to figure it out, though.

I'm excited that we've had such a great start to our year!

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