
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bit by the Acting Bug

Yesterday, Alexandra played parts in two plays as the conclusion to her week of acting camp. She took the camp at a local, Christian theater. This was her first time to be an actress, and she really enjoyed it.

The children, 8 boys & 2 girls, performed two plays. The first was the silly story of "Tacky the Penguin" and the second was the wonderful story about Jesus, "The Three Trees." In Tacky, Alexandra was one of the hunters, and in the Trees, she was the first tree - the one that becomes the manger where Jesus is laid as a newborn. It was very touching, especially as their teacher, the narrator, got choked up when reading about the cross and how it reminds us of Jesus' love.

Two of Alexandra's friends and their mom came to see the play, and that meant a lot to both of us. They even brought her a rose! I wish I would have thought of that!

Afterward, the children signed autographs, and I think that was one of the highlights of the morning. Alexandra had actually asked me how to spell "Alex" in cursive that morning. She learned how to and used her new signature to sign her autographs! I had no idea that's whey she wanted to learn cursive, and in fact, I still need to ask her if that was her purpose.

I took most of the photos with my regular 35 mm and haven't gotten them developed yet. As usual, with these high ceilings, my digital photos didn't turn out very well. The photo above is of Alexandra before class started on performance day. By the way, she did fantastic - loud, clear voice & she didn't forget any of her lines! They were great shows!
(below... Alexandra signing her autograph at the "cast party" ... in cursive)

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