
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Visit from the Tooth Fairy

(Picture above is of Alexandra today with her new smile - complete with tounge poking out of new "hole.")
Last night we had our first visit from the tooth fairy! Alexandra was, of course, so excited. I was afraid she wouldn't fall asleep, but she did. She is only 5.5 and she thought it was neat to be the first of her friends to lose a tooth.
All day yesterday it was clear that her tooth would be coming out very soon. She could bend it straight back. I even took pictures, but I don't think most people would like to see them. :-)

After I tucked her in bed last night, she said she was afraid it would fall out during the night and that she'd swallow it. I knew it could probably come out, so I told her we should give it one last try. We went into the bathroom and I bent it - first all of the way back, and then all the way forward. It popped out and fell on the floor! She was so excited and ran to the stairs to tell Daddy.

After taking some pictures, blood and all, we cleaned her up a bit and went downstairs to show her new smile to Daddy. Then, she said she needed to write the Tooth Fairy a note.

So, she got to stay up late writing a note. She had a special box she put the note and the tooth in and then put the box on her window sill.

In the morning, she discovered the Tooth Fairy had come! The Tooth Fairy had left her a $5 bill, a note, and some fairy dust! There was even fairy dust in her bed, on her face, and on her leg. She was so excited, but said she wished we'd have taken a picture of the tooth itself.

Below is a copy of the note she wrote the Tooth Fairy. I spelled a lot of the words for her. She did want the note to see Pleease, like she's begging. :-) The picture at the bottom is of the Tooth Fairy. I took a few photos, and each time I cut some of it off. The note says: "Dear Tooth Fairy, Pleease take my tooth. I've been waiting a long time for this to happen. Alexandra"

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