
Friday, April 21, 2006

Strawberry Picking

Today we went strawberry picking. It was a wonderful day for it. We actually had thunderstorms this morning from 6 am until about 7:30 am. I had decided we wouldn't be going, but Alexandra asked if we could still go. I decided to give them a call & they said since their ground was mostly sandy, most of the water had run off and it was a beautiful day to be out there. So, we went! The weather was wonderful! It's been around 90 here for the past week or so, and it was only in the low 70's! And, lots of clouds! Beautiful!

The strawberries were smaller than in past years. There were also less of them, but that was kind of nice as we got to pick longer. Last year, there were so many we didn't even make it down half of one row before our baskets were full. We walked down 4 long rows today!

A few other neat things: we watched the bees, I found an easter egg left over from a hunt this past weekend - with a dollar bill inside!, we looked at how the blackberries were forming from the flowers, and we scared a lot of grasshoppers as we walked back to the main building and watched them jump.
We both had a lot of fun, but it was a very long day. After picking strawberries, we went to McDonald's to eat, shopped at a "new" homeschool supply store, and then went to our library to make some wonderful prints! (More about that soon...) After that, we stopped and got a pizza & a movie to have a "girl's night" since Daddy is in Canada. We had a picnic on the floor of my room while watching the movie (cartoon of "Tom Sawyer") and then had straberries with sugar & Cool Whip for dessert. What a fun day! And, we'll be busy tomorrow too...

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