
Friday, September 17, 2010

More Bubble-ology

We continue to have a lot of fun while learning in my GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science) class at our co-op. A few weeks ago, we experimented with which dish soap made the biggest bubles. To do this, we blew bubbles on a table and then measured the circumference of the bubble when it popped. The soapier you get the table, the easier it is to see the circumference! (And, what a mess!!! But, it is FUN!)

(GEMS has a great orientation video you can see at this link.)

My "First" 5K!!!

Earlier this summer I blogged about Spark People (or SP). Spark People is an incredible, free, online group that helps people lose weight and live a healthier life. You learn to set goals and achieve them! In fact, I have been working towards weight loss, and have lost 13 pounds since starting on June 1st! 

Another goal was to learn to run AND to be able to run an entire 5K... 3.1 miles. I started a program (through SP) called Couch to 5K (or C25K). With the program, you run 3 times per week. At first you are running 1 minute at a time and you work up to 30 minutes. Well, I could BARELY run for 1 minute at a time back in June, and now I run about 50 minutes, or a little over 3 miles, every weekend!!! And, I entered a 5K last Saturday.

I actually participated in 2 other 5Ks about 7 years ago, but I wasn't a 'runner' then. I would run as long as I could (a couple of minutes) then walk until I could run again. This time, I was hoping to run the whole 3.1 miles. But, the heat and the speed (I was going faster than usual!), got to me and I walked a lot of the last mile. Anyway, here is my timing chip on my shoe... I had to find a kind runner to help me figure out how to put it on. I later returned the favor and helped someone else!

This run was at a high school and it was neat having the band playing, the cheerleaders cheering, and the track team running! The cheerleaders helped us line up by holding signs for various paces. I lined up with the 10+ minute runners. The group behind me was the walkers. My pace is usual a 15 minute 30 second mile, so I knew I was slow. As a matter of fact, I ran with the walkers... a lot of them could keep up with me! But, I will get faster!

Alex took this photo of me when I got home. There were a lot of snacks on tables after the race, and I helped myself to fruit, a protein drink, and half a muffin. I always feel like eating healthy after I run!

So, I have another 5K coming up in 2 more weeks. My time on this race was (a slow) 46 minutes 30 seconds, but I did it! My pace was slightly under 15 minutes per mile. I'm hoping to do a little better next time... maybe under 45 minutes? It's a Komen Race for the Cure so it'll be HUGE! Actually, even this local race had almost 1,000 runners!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Much Change Will I Get?

Today we did some math using Family Math. The chapter we worked on was called "How Much Change Will I Get?" I had an inspiration to use the white board and make sales tags and draw the money. As we went along, Alex started adding pictures to go with these word problems.

Here's a Level 2 problem. (There are 5 levels.) In this problem, an item costs $7.12. You have a $10 bill and a pocket full of change. What coins would you give the clerk?

Alex loved drawing the items. I know this activity kept her interest a lot longer than it normally would have because she was enjoying the pictures. This is a drawing of a pencil and eraser.

Here's another problem which I think is a Level 1. An item costs $13.40 and you give the clerk a $20 bill. How much change will you receive?

And another problem - a Level 3, I think. An item costs $8.47 and you give the clerk a $10 bill and 2 pennies. How much change will you get?

And, another of Alex's drawings. I hope to add more drawing and story problems to our math as this seemed to be a hit in our house today!

Discoveries in Genesis 5

For Bible we are using The Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History. We are really learning a lot by using this book and our Bibles.

Last week, we were slowly read through Genesis 5 while keeping a record of Adam's descendants. (Alex and I both made our own charts.) Adam lived 930 years and we were supposed to see if he was still alive when each of the listed descendants was born.

I was amazed to learn that Adam was still alive when Noah's father was born! So, Adam could have told all of these people about the garden, about God walking with him through the garden, about the fall, and about God making him clothing and kicking him out of the garden. Wow! I never realized that.

Another very interesting 'discovery' was that each of these men died before the flood. In fact, Methusaleh died the same year as the flood. This is important because, of course, all of those who were still alive were NOT following God and perished in the flood.

Anyway, I'm amazed at how much we learned by doing this one 'exercise.' And, Alex had a wonderful time doing this study, too.